Alessandro Budroni

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Senior Cryptography Engineer, Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi
e-mail: alessandro [DOT] budroni [@] tii [DOT] ae
e-mail: budroni [DOT] alessandro [@] gmail [DOT] com
Linkedin - GitHub - Instagram - Google Scholar

About me

I received the B.S. degree at University of Cagliari in pure Mathematics and the M.Sc. degree at University of Trento in Coding Theory and Cryptography. I got my Ph.D. degree in Computer Security at Univeristy of Bergen, Norway, under the supervision of professor Igor Semaev. Since February 2022, I work at the Cryptography Research Center of the Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi.

I am always interested in hearing from colleagues, other cryptography fans, or just interesting creative folk, so feel free to contact me.

Hobbies: photography, skiing (downhill and cross-country), hiking, surfing (when I can), climbing. Also, I have been a semi-professional juggler and performed in international juggling conventions and festivals.

Research Interests

> Cryptoanalysis on LWE
> Lattice-Based Cryptography
> Pairing-Based Cryptography
> Secure Implementations


Conference Publications:

  • Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Alessandro Budroni, Marco Palumbi, Lucas Pandolfo Perin, Enabling PERK on Resource-Constrained Devices, to appear at TCHES, 2024.

  • Slim Bettaieb, Alessandro Budroni, Marco Palumbi, Décio Luiz Gazzoni Filho, Quasi-Optimal Permutation Ranking and Applications to PERK, best paper award at AfricaCrypt, 2024.

  • Benjamin Benčina, Alessandro Budroni, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Mukul Kulkarni, Properties of Lattice Isomorphism as a Cryptographic Group Action, PQCrypto, 2024.

  • Alessandro Budroni, Erik Mårtensson, Improved Estimation of Key Enumeration with Applications to Solving LWE, ISIT, 2023.

  • Alessandro Budroni, Qian Guo, Thomas Johansson, Erik Mårtensson, Paul Stankovski Wagner, Making the BKW Algorithm Practical for LWE, IndoCrypt, 2020.

  • Alessandro Budroni, Benjamin Chetioui, Ermes Franch, Attacks on Integer-RLWE, ICICS, 2020.

  • Alessandro Budroni, Andrea Tenti, The Mersenne Low Hamming Combination Search Problem can be reduced to an ILP Problem, AfricaCrypt, 2019.

  • Quoc-Tin Phan, Alessandro Budroni, Cecilia Pasquini, Francesco G. B. De Natale, A Hybrid Approach for Multimedia Use Verification, MediaEval, 2016.

Journal Publications:

  • Alessandro Budroni, Erik Mårtensson, Further Improvements of the Estimation of Key Enumeration with Applications to Solving LWE, Cryptography and Communications, LNCS, 2024.

  • Alessandro Budroni, Qian Guo, Thomas Johansson, Erik Mårtensson, Paul Stankovski Wagner, Improvements on Making BKW Practical for Solving LWE, Special Issue “Public-Key Cryptography in the Post-quantum Era” of Cryptography, MDPI, 2021.

  • Alessandro Budroni, Federico Pintore, Efficient hash maps to G2 on BLS curves, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 2020.

Drafts and others:

  • Alessandro Budroni, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Giuseppe D'Alconzo, Antonio J. Di Scala, Mukul Kulkarni, Don’t Use It Twice! Solving Relaxed Linear Code Equivalence Problems, eprint, 2024.

  • Alessandro Budroni, Isaac A. Canales-Martínez, Lucas Pandolfo Perin, SoK: Methods for Sampling Random Permutations in Post-Quantum Cryptography, eprint, 2024.

  • Najwa Aaraj, Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Alessandro Budroni, Victor Dyseryn, Andre Esser, Philippe Gaborit, Mukul Kulkarni, Victor Mateu, Marco Palumbi, Lucas Perin, Jean-Pierre Tillich, PERK, Tech. rep., National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2023.

  • Alessandro Budroni, Igor Semaev, New Public-Key Crypto-System EHT, Arxiv, 2021.

  • Alessandro Budroni, Kealan McCusker, Milagro TLS: Pairing-Based Cryptography for Transport Layer Security, Internet-Draft, 2016.

Open Source Coding

  • You can find here a library that compares different methods to sample permutations.

  • I am a member of the PERK signature submission team to the NIST post-quantum signatures standardization process, and I have contributed to the implementation.

  • I am the creator of the rbbl (RAM-Based BKW for LWE) library: a fast and parallelized library written in C to solve LWE instances.

  • I am one of the creators of the fbbl (File-Based BKW for LWE) library. This is the first implementation of the BKW algorithm for LWE able to solve relatively large LWE instances.

  • I have been mantaining the Apache milagro-crypto-c and milagro-crypto-js libraries.

Teaching (University of Bergen)


In collaboration with the blog MathIsInTheAir, the following articles:

  • Maths and Juggling (italian - english)

  • SOK: la crittografia incontra la magia (italian)

  • È veramente importante finanziare la ricerca in Matematica Pura? (italian)

  • Cosa sta succedendo nel mondo della crittografia? (italian)